

Integrated pest management

We consider Integrated Pest Management as a sustainable action that allows us to work in balance and in harmony with the environment. Within our IPM system of our fields, we mainly implement cultural and ethological control practices, increasingly counteracting the use of pesticides (pesticides).

Cultural control

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Ethological Control

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Pesticide control

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Waste assurance program

At Montveg we are committed to growing sustainably and we know that the presence of agro-industrial waste generates negative impacts when they are not properly managed or used; reusing or recycling the maximum amount of materials with the aim of sending the least amount of material to landfills.

Among the activities aimed at ensuring a responsible management of the solid waste generated by our activities, is the composting process and promoting an ecological culture through continuous training that will raise awareness among our team.


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Solid waste management

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Ecological culture

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Water is one of nature’s most valuable resources and is necessary for everything. We recognize that water scarcity is a major global problem and that water is critical to ensuring a consistent, high-quality global food supply. That is why at Montveg we strive to manage it with care, efficiency, and respect.

We are aware that our fields are in a water scarce area and require a more strategic approach to ensure proper water management. We accept our responsibility and implement different techniques such as the drip irrigation system, the quality of the water and the monitoring of our water footprint.

Similarly, we are constantly exploring new agricultural techniques and processes to optimize water use and identify opportunities to reduce the intensity of water use, while preserving our high standards of food safety and sanitary conditions.

Efficient use of water

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Water footprint

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Water quality

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Building healthy soils

Maintaining healthy long-term soils is essential to a thriving agricultural industry because healthy soil helps produce healthy products. Healthy soil is soil free from degradation by erosion, salinity, contamination, compaction, and mismanagement.

To achieve this, we leave enough crop residues in the soil, using cover crops, and adding compost and livestock manures where available and profitable.

Organic fertilizers

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Soil maps

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Traditional control of Nematodes

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“For each of our priorities we have developed programs focused on reducing waste, the use of eco-friendly agricultural products and improving the efficiency of water use, ensuring that our efforts contribute to an even better world tomorrow.”

Administration manager
Administrative department